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  • 世预赛
  • 2024-06-29 02:36:46
  • 36

2020年国际足协世界杯预赛亚洲区的比赛终于落下帷幕,20强名单也最终确定。中国队在本次世预赛中表现不俗, Eventually, the Asian region of the 2020 FIFA World Cup qualifying.html">qualifying tournament has come to an end, and the list of top 20 teams has been confirmed. China''s team showed a good performance in this round of qualifications.html">qualifications.

在世预赛的最后一轮比赛中,中国队以1:1战平菲律宾队,取得了三分的积分,这也使得中国队总积分达到16分。 In the last round of the World Cup qualifying tournament, China''s team drew 1-1 with the Philippines, earning three points and a total score of 16 points.

最终,亚洲区的20强名单如下:日本韩国澳大利亚新西兰、中国、伊朗卡塔尔沙特阿拉伯、United Arab Emirates、日本、黎巴嫩叙利亚朝鲜半岛、日本、菲律宾、印尼和塔吉克斯坦。 The final list of the top 20 teams in the Asian region is as follows: Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, China, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Syria, North Korea, Philippines, Indonesia and Tajikistan.

在下一轮世界杯资格赛中,中国队将面临更加激烈的挑战,但总体来说,这次世预赛的结果是中国队的积极回报。 In the next round of World Cup qualifying tournament, China''s team will face even tougher challenges, but overall, this result is a positive feedback for China''s team.

值得注意的是,亚洲区的20强名单中还包括了两个小国:塔吉克斯坦和印尼。 Worth noting is that the list of top 20 teams in the Asian region also includes two smaller countries: Tajikistan and Indonesia.